Project update - Giving is your best move


Giving is Your Best Move – Extended Version

Hi everyone! For those who don´t know me, I´m Gabriela Humeniuk, winner of the first FIDI 39 Club Scholarship. If you don´t know what that is, well, keep reading because I´m sure that you will be amazingly surprised.

Back in 2018, FIDI 39 Club launched a scholarship program. What you had to do was submit a project that you had been working on and that was improving your community or your company. 

The best project would win the possibility to travel to the following FIDI convention ( travel expenses paid by the 39 club). I was sure that my project was a very good one as I could see how much it was growing and helping, but to be honest, I never thought that I would win. I still remember the moment when I received (the 39 Club President) Morgana´s email saying that my project had won and that I would be travelling to Amsterdam in March 2019. Tears were shed (I´m not going to lie), I got up from my chair and ran to hug my boss Malena who has always been my mentor.

From then on, the professional journey of a lifetime started for me. Sharing my project with the rest of my colleagues from all over the world, travelling to that breathtaking city, knowing so many people in person whom I only met virtually, sightseeing, living the experience of a FIDI convention, all of that was and still is something that changed the course of my career.

It´s been a couple of years from that moment and the project grew so much that we decided to have an extended version this year. To give you a small summary of what “Giving is Bour best Move” is, it´s a project that started on 2013 in which we collect clothes in good condition from our customers who donate them and we then classify them and deliver them in different charity entities. This year, we started a massive campaign and started collecting not only clothes, but also toys, appliances, some pieces of furniture, non-perishable food, and many other things.  In August we travelled to Bowen, Mendoza, a very small town (my hometown) which is almost 800 kms away from here (Buenos Aires), and delivered more than 30 cbm of donations to 8 rural schools, 2 soup kitchen and we spent an afternoon delivering toys at the town´s children´s day celebration.

Not only did this help several people, but also united our team. It was amazing to see ALL our company working together with one goal in mind: helping that community.

I can only thank the FIDI 39 Club for trusting me from the very beginning and giving me the opportunity to grow as a person and as a professional.

You have the opportunity too! the scholarship program is still on and you may be the lucky one next year! Stay tuned to all the 39 Club news and you will see there the deadlines and all the information you need to win this scholarship. It changed my life, and it may change yours too.

If you want to know more about my project, you can always contact me at