FIDI 39 Club will launch the FIDI Future Mentorship Programme 9 December

The FIDI 39 Club will launch the FIDI Future Mentorship Programme for FIDI Affiliates 9 December with the goal of providing a neutral environment for the young professionals of our industry to receive coaching and guidance from experienced members of the FIDI community outside of their individual companies.

Our industry has much to offer and there are a multitude of career paths available to the next generation of FIDI.  However, perception is reality and if the next generation cannot imagine what their future in this industry may look like, they may turn elsewhere to work towards their career goals.  

The FIDI Future programme will pair mentees and mentors in a one-on-one relationship over the course of 3 months. You can apply from 9 December 2022!

Learn more about the FIDI Future Mentorship Programme here.